Monday, 17 November 2008

One girls search for comfort

Over here in the good old UK, we don't get to see the new Gap ads on TV, but after seeing them via the internet, I have been wanting to find a big, comfy jumper. So i guess their advertising has workered! Good for them! So the search has begun. I do hope it is successful. I will be looking on ebay mostly as the cold doesn't motivate me to leave the comforts of home much. :D
The other day in college was "uniform day". Basically for Children in Need (A charity day over here, were all the money raised go to children in need, the name kind of gives it away.) So to raise money our college said that we could come in dressed in uniform (no fishnets or suspenders though). We couldn't dress as what we wanted as that would be having too much fun.

Not everyone dressed up as they are dull. And some who did, did the typical school girl thing. Of course we did not. We Gossip Girled it. Here is my outfit. Sorry for the quality!

On another note my dress from ebay should be arrviving soon! its just a little black dress, every girl should own one i i have 3!

WM x


Sharon said...

Hi there-fantastic outfit my dear, you rock!!

NatalĂ­ said...

OMG!!! What a cool outfit!!
Love it!!!!!

Unknown said...

like those colors!! =D I especially like the knee high tights!!


Sister Libby said...

Wonderful tights. Very gossip girl...

Penny said...

fantastic! i love the fact that you weren't afraid of mixing colours! i bet everyone else looked really boring standing next to you!! xxx

Winnie said...

Haha, Love the look!

As for Topshop...You can't just spend one hour in have to spend several! I guess thats why they have an 'EAT' in there...for refreshments!

Zita said...

Love it! especially the knee highs

Wendy said...

Its very cool how many different colors and textures you've used.