Thursday, 25 June 2009

Seek your weight in gold

Shameless plugging here but I need to make money for summer!

I'm selling some stuff on ebay including two coloured blazers just like Topshop ones. Very much want to keep them but what can you do?! Money needs to be made and I'm sure they will be much loved by someone else.

One of them is the pink blazer in the post

Another is a gorgeous blue blazer which contrasts splendidly with Pamela's

And finally a pink blouse/jacket thing which I have Balmain-ified in my own special
Have a nice weekend. I'm off to visit my brother and Shakespeare.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

The Dog Days Are Over

College is done! Forever! Infact it was last week but hey ho! Drinking times have occupied our times, hence the lack of photos!
Wendy- May

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Who likes shortshorts?!

Today I decided on a mini DIY project. My lovely mother was throwing away two pairs of trousers she no longer wears, so I decided to rescue them and make them into shorts. I have only done the first pair so far. I plan to dye one pair purple, but I am not sure which. I have had purple dye for about a year...just sitting waiting to be used. Well soon it will be!



I wonder if purple will suit them.....
They are good quality so I don't want to ruin them.

Now I must dash, my parents are taking me out for a meal to celebrate the end of my exams!Yay! Well they are not actually over, my last two are on monday, but the thought behind it is still the same.


Monday, 1 June 2009

Hello Sunshine!

The sun is a-shining. Yey! I don't tan, i burn but I'm still happy. Let's just hope this weather is repeated for Leeds Fest. We found out yesterday that Metric are going to be there, I nearly fell off my deck chair with excitement!
Our exams will be over this time in two weeks, thank heavens, so after that we can spend all day everday roaming around the woods and fields surrounding us. Maybe taking more photos.
When the holidays do arrive I'll be needing some books to occupy myself with so does anyone have any recommendations please?
Hope you're all having lovely sunny days!