Sunday, 23 August 2009

New Me...

So it's been a while, a lot has changed actually. I turned 18, I finally passed my driving test; got pulled over by the police three days later, I got a laptop after receiving my a level results and being accepted at Portsmouth Uni, I got a contract phone AND I got my hair cut. Mostly good change, wouldn't you agree? I don't wish to imply I'm a criminal, the police situation was very terrifying, I hadn't even done anything wrong except I got in the wrong lane and cut across into the one I needed to be in, it was 1.30 in the morning so the roads were empty, except for the police car of course (it's just my luck!). All is sorted now, it was one of a few surreal situations I find myself in these days.

Anywhichway, lets get down to business. Gifts! Here are some pictures of the stuff I got for my 18th...

My ring for Wendy-May, unfortunately I didn't get a proposal.

A dish I bought myself with birthday money from a charity shop, I thought i'd be nice to keep my rings, bracelets and earrings in at Uni.

Lovely Necklaces from friends.

Got loads of gorgeous bracelets from family and friends. The butterfly one is handmade bought from an auction, which is pretty cool. I wear it all the time.

Birthday dress from Susan. Love the colour and the back I do.

The birdcage necklace from a friend.

Treated myself to these gorgeous Topshop heels, they are really comfy and only cost me £6 from the market.

I also got the camera that I took these pictures with, a sewing machine and 3 ear piercings from Susan, Wendy-May and Sister A. I aim to have them done all the way down. I had an excellent birthday all in all. Many a brilliant celebration was had. Lots of free drinks and icecream. And the best birthday cake in the world...

They may kill me for this but oh well I'm feeling rebellious after my run in with the police. Here is a funny photo Of Susan and Wend on results night. They were drunk and apparently feeling gangsta. It's a shame you can't see their outfits.

Happy Holidays everybody, lets pray for sun whilst we're at Leeds Fest this next weekend. Now what to wear...


Cicely said...

Urgh. Hahaha wtf is going on with my fingers?! And why haven't I seen this bowl? You know how I love homeware!

Sally said...

I was about to ask why the bowl had not been shown off! And yooooouuuu! I'm all lips! aha, I'll get you back ginger locks x

Is This Real Life? said...

Oh i love all your presents!
So pretty!
Sounds like a great birthday so far!

ginny said...

i have to agree about a.a. some of their stuff is WAY too tacky for my taste.

i LOVE the birdcage necklace. so cute!!

but, i have to ask, being an american and all, what are a-levels? i've seen the history boys as well, and it's all about a-levels and stuff. i'm just lost, haha.

Sharon said...

Hi there-so pleased you had a fabulous birthday, great gifts and hope you all have a fantastic time at Leeds!!

emily said...

that jewelry is super-pretty, sounds like you got loads of great presents!

Winnie said...

Sounds like a fantastic birthday to me!

ginny said...

thanks for your explanation on a-levels!!