Friday, 13 November 2009

200. Switched On.

It's been a week since the I was in the wonderful company of those lovely ladies, and I want to see them again already. It's freezing cold and the wind is noisier than my music, and I'm home alone working on a friday night... something to do with actually having work to do when you decide to do a degree. Don't ask, it shocked me to the core as well. That and the fact I hate going out in the rain forced me to stay behind closed doors. Anyway, I have procrastinated for long enough, I have four essays to do, but here are some pictures and a video that I love.


Mostly, if not all ffffound, video Stylecaster.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009


We 4 ladies met up this weekend in London for the first time in 7 weeks. It was lovely to say the least! Lots of dressing up ensued and a fair bit of shopping.
I kinda fell in love with Brick Lane, the only dodgy thing was at night when people try to coax you into their restaurant with discounts and freebies, it was a little intimidating actually but mainly amusing.
Here are some photos from my weekend spent with three of the most wonderful people in the world and one of my lovely big sis at halloween (just cos i thought the photograph was cool.)

I hadn't realised how many i'd taken of Sally. Oops...
All in all an excellent and eventful weekend!
I plan on posting photos of all my new purchases since i've been in Portsmouth, this may take a while because I've been so naughty and shopped. A lot.
Have a lovely day one and all!

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Forgive me, banker, for I have sinned...

But sometimes sinning looks so good...
I have never spent so much on one item in my life before; but I have no regrets so I don't care if I am judged. Whoever said money doesn't buy happiness, because I certainly forgot all my woes when I had these babies on my feet and this silk slipping through my fingers. I'm quite literally the worst student ever, I can't afford these things but I honestly don't care.
And my favourite (and guiltiest) part...
And the best part of my day? I saw Colin Firth switching the lights on and got a gingerbread Latte from Starbucks. And I went to a marmite house; we had a selection of marmite snacks and then had our photos taken by the marmite people because we loved marmite and they loved our love for marmite. I'm outraged at the absurdity of this early Christmas spirit, but at the same time it's put me in a jolly old festive mood!

Monday, 2 November 2009

Absorb Yourself In Reality

A couple of weeks ago I lost the long silver ring I purchased whilst we were on holiday in Majorca. As Cicely put it I was obviously "raving too enthusiastically". What can I say...sometimes you have to!This is a very sad thing indeed as it was lovely, like non I've seen around and of course brought me memories. I really want to find a new, long silver ring, but so far my efforts have been fruitless :( any ideas of where I would be able to find one?
Whilst Ebaying for a ring of said description I stumbled upon some really cute hair grips (I love how you can get lost in Ebay, but it is also a curse sometimes!). They arrived today, post generally makes me smile and when these arrived they made me smile lots and lots, simply because the packaging was so lovely and cute!
I love when the smallest things put a smile on your face. Today has been a day of that. Hope all is well!