Friday, 2 October 2009

Do The Hustle

Lost my t-shirt, woke up so very bruised and now find it pretty hard to walk. All in all, a good night, minus the t-shirt losing part of course!
See, it was the roller-disco night at our freshers fortnight. A brilliant idea if you ask me. Only roller skating is not my forte and after a few peach schnapps and the likes I don't really know what I was thinking. However, if I do say so myself I got the knack of it, I even went round about 8 times without a stumble, but when I fell, man did I fall! A tip for any of you considering taking up the roller disco: don't hold onto others, they will just bring you down!

The theme of last nights roller disco? 70s/80s. There was a lot of neon and leg warmers around it must be said.
I did not sport either of these as I went 70s!

Now I don't want you to get the wrong idea about the t-shirt losing part of the night. That did not occur at the roller disco, but at the dub step place we went to after and I had a playsuit on thank god! I am pretty gutted about it actually and may have to go shopping to make up for it.
Some pictures from the night ( I need to master the art of taking pictures in my room)



And of course these:


And one from this morning. It would seem I now have a knee, upon my knee....lovely!


Tonights plan: Dr Karl Kennedy from Neighbours and his band. My friend Chloe and I are probably a little too excited!
I have to go get my laundry now.


Abbie said...

Noo I love that t-shirt! However, looks like much fun and gives you an excuse for retail therapy.
Also, the only word I can think of for Dr. Karl is 'lol'. Sorry, but needs must!

Tori said...

Errr disgustin knee. x

Sharon said...

Sounds like loads of fun and a cute outfit choice too!

emily said...

i've only rollerskated once before, never really a ahold of the whole stopping thing... no roller-discos for me. ;)