Thursday, 19 June 2008

Camera wh*re

More photos from the other weekend. Just because I was very annoying and wouldn't stop taking photos therefore I have loads. And we rarely show evening attire.

Because I haven't had a good dress up in a while and because the 'crew' and a friend did a swap thing where we all borrowed 2 things from each other, so we lend 6 and borrow 6, and wear them over the next 2 weeks. Its actually rather excellent because it's like I went shopping but spent no money! maybe this is what shoplifting is like...
This is about as Masculine as I get with my outfits. Don't want to give people more ammuntion. Ah the brogues make their first appearance.
I like to think this is a little bit Degas.
Block colours and florals. It was quite nice to go ott on colour as I think I've been toning down my hues of late.

Also, I have just heard some of Scarlett Johansson's album. It is good. Not what I expected, in a good way. I hear someone out of TV On The Radio had a hand in it, you can really tell, this is good. Overall, it is good.

Stealing is bad. Just to clarify.


Winnie said...

I really like that floral skirt. The teal tights in the last photo are awesome too!

yiqin; said...

Wow, teal tights! So awesome :) I love the brogues too. & the details on the first dress is really pretty!

Sharon said...

You gals sure have some brilliant tights-glad you made the most of your swap sessions-great idea!!

Nemerae said...

I want a pair of stockings (sorry, I'm spanish and I don't really know if this is the correct word...) like that! so original and cute, in blue & purple, wow :P

Sister Libby said...

I love the tights. All of them...haha. It's too hot here to wear tights...

The Beauty Mum said...

Love the top two, esp the b/w tights. Fun!