Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Sun in the sky, you know how I feel.

So yesturday the weather was all lovely today, so the 3 of us and a friend spent all day in my garden bein lazy, only moving to get an ice pop! I found this skirt a bit ago that I havent worn for years and we decided then that we were going to do a little bit of D.I.Y on it and make it wearable once more! It is orginally from River Island and was just plain white, so naturally I wanted colour! After finding I had no useable paintbrushes we decided to use bits of plastic bags screwed up and dipped in paint, and this was the end result! Pretty cool, even if I do say so myself! (sorry about the pictures I am still cameraless!)

We also hand printed a white T-shirt that Pammy had and had wanted to do something with, it was also a success and looks like something you could get from Zara. I'm sure she will post a picture of it at a later date.
On another note, the last time I went shopping was a while ago but I need manage to find a couple of bargains, even though I shouldn't really of got them I did! The first dress is from H&M sale, reduced from £30 to £5 which is always nice! The second is from Zara.

I finally got to wear my playsuit! To a field. Not the best place to wear it but I could not be bothered to wait for a good enough occassion to wear it, and it was perfect for the weather!

I feel like it's the summer holidays, but unfortunatly it is not and on monday we have to go back to college for 5 weeks, which is terrible and pointless in my eyes!x


Sharon said...

Love the diy on your skirt-very stylish!! Your dresses are lovely, the H&M one was a very good bargain!

yiqin; said...

You inspire me to do some DIY on my plain shirts :D I love the dress too! I need to find some knee length socks too ;)

Winnie said...

I always love the DIY posts and always say I will do something myself but never have. It's definitely a Mission for this summer the skirt, can't wait to see pictures of it in an outfit post!

Wendy said...

Nice DIY project, I've been meaning to do some stuff with paint but it wouldn't have turned out as good as your's.

Mikkle said...

what kind of paint did you use for your skirt? a few friends and i where looking to do something similar like that to some dresses. have any tips?

a side order of style said...

cuuute diy skirt!
i should find something of my own for me to mangle [i say mangle, b/c diy & i don`t mix]...


Sister Libby said...

Oh my goodness. You are awesome. I once got into a diy phase, but all the fabric is still under my bed. I love the yellow in the last pic too.

saray said...

I love the songs on your blog!
and the DIY skirt is fab!

A. said...

Your saying that does the exact opposite of freaking me out. I love when people love what I love. Especially when I love what they love.

I love the yellow dress. I would love to wear yellow, but I am so deathly pale it makes me appear jaundiced.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I love that color yellow, one of my favorites!

Human Racing said...

Nice outfits. Great job on the skirt!

Human Racing said...
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