Saturday, 16 January 2010

"Here Lies Carrie, She Had Two Great Loves, And A Whole Lot Of Shoes"

Shoes are a weakness for me. It's a shame really as they tend to be very expensive but they are lovely and a necessity. I'm very happy with the fact that in the last month I have required 4 brilliant pairs of shoes (one of which is for Cicely) at a very brilliant price. The total should of come to £535 but with sale, student discount and a gift card I spent a grand total of £66. I can't get over this fact. Here are the 3 new additons to my shoe collection:
[Topshop Unique Ankle Boots, Christopher Kane for Topshop, Peter Jensen for Topshop]
I love the heel on these. The main reason I had be coveting them for some time.
I also love that these and the Christopher Kanes are my only two pairs of shoes with actually grip. Extreme hiking anyone?


Sharon said...

My goodness, thats just amazing!!! Those 3 designer boots for that price, you scored tremendously well, good going girl!!

Phibster said...

You have an extremely good shoe taste. I'll take those of your hands if your wardrobe can't handle them.

lorenzomateo said...

Wow, so cool shoes!!

Emilie Delance said...

oh these shoes are awesome! Love them :D

Jess said...

oh those pale pink ones are beauties! i have such a weakness for shoes as well :D

Winnie said...

Wow, nothing beats that awesome combination discount, giftcard and sale!!! These are AWESOME! I'd love to see a better pic of the Peter Jensens though! xx

Womens Summer Dresses said...

I really like the boots!!

AMIT said...

Liked the boots.

lingerie today